Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pioneer Garb

In July Jake and I are going to Trek as a Ma and Pa.  Trek is a pioneer reenactment where we dress up as pioneers and push a handcart over so many miles of terrain.  Along the trail we make our own meals and camp out under the stars.  It's meant to be as authentic as it can be, meaning no deodorant or makeup or 21st century gadgets.

Jake and I will be Pa and Ma for approximately 6 youth.  These kids range in age from 14-18.  They will call us Ma and Pa and we'll act as a family along this trek.

So to get ready I've been making aprons and bonnets and bloomers.  Mom was nice enough to make me 2 dresses.  I have a hard time following patterns, so she stepped in and took care of it.  But I made the buttonholes at the top of my dresses.  I know it doesn't seem like much, but I had never done buttonholes before!  They turned out pretty well, if I do say so myself.

It should be interesting as we "cross the plains".  Hopefully we'll all be safe and nobody will overheat along the way.

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