Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Wedding Rehearsal

A year ago Kenny proposed to Ashlee and the wedding plans began.  We had gone a bit into fall and was asked if Travis could be their ring bearer.  Jake and I said yes, but we had to prep Travis for this responsibility.  So I talked to him a little about what he was to do and he seemed he could take it.

Fast forward to June 2012...  We took Travis for a tux fitting.  This made everything so much more real.  He got excited that he got to get all dressed up.  It was an even sweeter deal when he found out his brothers wouldn't be attending the wedding and that this would be 'his thing'.  

Last Wednesday we went for the final tux fitting.  Travis was looking snazzy.  I think he asked me at least a dozen times if he could try it on in the couple of days until the wedding.  But he was patient and waited until the real deal on Saturday.

Friday night was the rehearsal.  At first Travis and Kaeleigha were a little hesitant around each other.  Walking to their places was a little awkward, but they got the job done.

 Travis and Kaeleigha wait until it's their turn to do something.

 They got to practice with their pillow and basket of petals.

 Running with the big dogs...  Travis felt quite cool to stand next to Kenny and his brother Kevin, the best man.

As cute as they are, they were a bit stiff and awkward.  Walking hand in hand wasn't quite comfortable.

After the rehearsal we headed to the rehearsal dinner.  That is where Travis and Kaeleigha got to know each other better.  They played and became fast friends.  I knew the actual wedding wouldn't be an issue once they had built that relationship.  It was gonna be fun!

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