Monday, April 8, 2013

Happy Easter

The Easter Bunny doesn't visit our house.  He never has and likely never will.  Instead the boys get candy and usually a movie on the Saturday of Easter weekend.  This year they got Snickers Bunnies and the movie "Parental Guidance".  (I totally recommend the movie because it's hillarious!!!  The boys have watched it 3 times this week so far!)

Our neighbors invited the boys over for a Flashlight Egg Hunt Saturday night.  She hid 300 eggs and the kids on the street all looked for them.  Each egg had candy in it, so the kids loved it.  I think that next year I'm going to contribute too.  Perhaps our yard could be for older kids and we hide them more strategically, while their yard is for the little kiddies.  It sounds like a really good tradition!  Glad our neighbors started it!

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