Sunday, September 11, 2011


We've been given the signs and warnings, and now it's time to get off our duffs and do something!!!  Within a week's time we experienced an earthquake (which only happens once in a blue moon in our neck of the woods) and a hurricane that devastated parts of the state.  We were blessed that none of our family was harmed or had any property damage.  But all in all, it was a wake-up call!

Last winter it finally hit me that part of my mission as mom and wife of this family is that if I help prepare our family for the trying times to come, then we will be blessed and not want for the necessities.  What a blessing!  As long as I do my part, our family will be taken care of.  So how do I do that when we have little to no extra money for things?

Our Stake President held his monthly Bishops meeting and invited all bishoprics as well.  Unfortunately Jake wasn't able to attend because he was coaching Brad's football team.  But President Bartlett sent out a follow up email emphatically urging us to start our preparedness plans NOW!  Work on food storage NOW!  Have working 72-hour kits NOW!!!!

OK, OK!  Now that Jake and I are on the same page, we can do something about it!  Our tentative plan is to use Mondays (when he and I are both home without kids) to work on our preparedness.  That means we work on our evacuation plan, prepare our 72-hour kits, fix up our storage room for food storage and attend the store to slowly start building up our storage.  It's my job to carve out approximately $10 per week to dedicate solely to preparedness.

I found an excellent website to help me get started.  The button is on my sidebar.  If you're interested, check out Building My Food Storage and see if those ladies can help you too.

On this anniversary of 9/11, I am grateful that I live in a free country.  I am grateful for the men and women that fight for my freedoms, and their families for their sacrifices.  Many have sacrificed great and small for our country!  I also understand that we are in the last days.  There is no definite time line, but we are blessed with scriptures that can help guide and prepare us.  It can be a scary time, but I like to think of it as a blessing that we were entrusted to be on this earth right now.  We have work to do and now it's time to do it!

- Shanan

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